Our PRF facials are a way to get natural, glowing and younger looking skin. Our protocol is based off of years of PRF research and uses 100% natural and chemical-free regenerative methods to stimulate facial rejuvenation. It utilizes advanced medical science and various PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) modalities to unleash and maximize the natural potent bioactivity and regenerative capacity of the human body.

We use an upgraded centrifugation system with protocols that further improve the regenerative potential of PRF up to 10 times.

The first step is microneedling with PRF, a minimally invasive procedure to boost the rapid formation of new collagen on the skin surface and encourage skin healing while applying a PRF liquid to your skin. Then, if needed, we inject PRF from your own blood to acquire a high concentration of growth factors. We inject this PRF around the necessary areas to strengthen them, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and giving a younger, glowing look. 

We follow the work of the renowned PRF researcher Dr. Richard Miron and are affiliated with his PRF/Laser facial rejuvenation center, CARE ESTHETICS.

Read more about CARE ESTHETICS.