Take a quick Survey to see if your child is at risk

Does it take longer than 30 minutes for the child to fall asleep? 

Yes  No

Does the child wake during the night ?       

Yes  No      

Is the child sleepy during the day?  

 Yes  No

Does the child bang his/her head during sleep?   

Yes  No   

Is the child a restless sleeper?          

Yes  No

Does the child have nightmares or screams during sleep?   

 Yes  No   

Is they’re teeth grinding during sleep?   

 Yes   No

Does the child sleepwalk?                                           

Yes   No

Does the child wet the bed (older than 4 years)?   

Yes   No

Does the child snore?  

Yes   No

Does the child mostly breathe through his/her mouth?         

Yes   No

Does the child kick during sleep?        

 Yes   No

Does the child move around a lot while sleeping?             

Yes   No


If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, consider bringing your child for a dental sleep evaluation. Sleep problems have been linked to hyperactivity and developmental disorders, but they can be addressed with holistic dentistry and holistic orthodontics. Not all pediatricians and dentists are trained to detect an airway or breathing problem that can be stemming from their mouth. If you are interested in functional or interceptive orthodontics for your child, please contact us.

Read more about our Early Intervention Orthodontics for kids