Expertise - Tests


People react to dental materials differently, much like they react to foods differently. It’s hard to recognize a dental material incompatibility, especially when symptoms are delayed or not visible in the mouth. To ensure materials are safe for you, a blood test is sent to the lab to compare your body chemistry with 15,000+ dental materials. We then choose the appropriate materials for you, making it truly customized dentistry.

Read more about our Biocompatibility Testing Process

Saliva Bacteria Pathogen Analysis

The mouth has over 6 billion bacteria. And not all are good. The “bad” bacteria can travel to different parts of your body. Gum disease can not only cause tooth loss, but is correlated with heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. A simple spit test can tell us if you have a dangerous level of bad bacteria and we can take preventative measures.

Sleep Study

Symptoms like fatigue, daytime sleepiness, irritability and inability to concentrate come from not getting a good night’s rest. A simple at-home sleep-study test can determine if your nighttime breathing is affecting your sleep. We rent you the sleep device. The results are interpreted by a board-certified sleep physician and we will discuss the report with you.

read more if you wake up tired in the mornings

read more about our at home sleep test

Mercury Toxicity Analysis

Before removing mercury-amalgam fillings, it is advised to have a Mercury Tri Test (blood, urine and hair samples given). The test reveals the “body burden” of mercury (how much you currently have), and if the liver and kidneys (your body’s major routes of mercury elimination) will be able to support the influx of mercury that happens during an amalgam removal.

Read more about Why we Recommend the Mercury Tri Test

Root Canal Bacteria Report

Some root canals can have unhealthy bacteria around them. This test identifies the microbes around a tooth where a root canal has been done, and the effects that bacteria can have on the body. It helps us identify the next course of action for this tooth.

Electrical Conductivity of Metals

Some people feel a low-level tingling or electrical shock in their body that can’t be explained. Metals give off an electrical current. Copper, silver, aluminum, gold and steel are conductors of electricity and commonly placed in the mouth by dentists. This test measures the amperage/voltage given off by metals in the mouth.

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