Expertise - Conservative General Dentistry

Silver-Mercury Amalgam Removal

Silver-Mercury amalgam fillings are composed of 50% liquid mercury and the other half as a powdered alloy of silver, tin and copper. If these metal fillings need to be removed, safety precautions must be in place for everyone in the room because the vapor that is emitted during a removal is toxic to everyone’s health. We are SMART Protocol and PROTECT Protocol certified to offer our patients a safe experience when removing these fillings. Read on for more information.

Our Protocol

We follow the IAOMT (SMART protocol) and the IABDM (PROTECT protocol) for safe mercury amalgam removal. We comply with all the recommended suctioning, cutting, draping, ozoning and supplementing. Once the amalgam filling is removed, an x-ray is taken to verify that all particles have been removed. It is highly advised to follow up with your primary healthcare practitioner after this appointment. Our goal is to keep you safe!

Read more about our Safe Amalgam Removal Protocol

What to do prior to removal

Whenever a mercury amalgam is removed from a tooth, some of the mercury seeps into the body’s tissues no matter how safe the protocol. Therefore, removing mercury fillings is not advised for everyone. If there is the potential for adverse reactions, a Mercury Toxicity Test is recommended prior to amalgam removal. Some healthcare practitioners want their patients on kidney and/or liver support before and after the procedure. Check with your medical doctor prior to having your amalgams removed if there may be any contraindications.

Read more about our Mercury Tri Test

Read more about what to do prior to removal

What to do after removal

As with any dental work, take it easy after your procedure. Give this tooth a little love. Don’t bite on it for the day, don’t irritate it with extreme temperatures. Gradually introduce different temperatures and textures. Drink lots of water and try to sweat to help detox. Follow up with your medical doctor, as they may want you to take supplements.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease Therapy

When gum pocket depths get excessively deep, a scaling and root planing (SRP) or deep cleaning is performed. Typically the patient is numbed for comfort and either half or the full mouth is done at once. Afterward, the hygienist will irrigate the gums with ozone. In some cases, we will recommend certain products or Perio Protect.

Read more about SRP

Read more about Perio Protect

Fillings and Crowns

We strive to use products with the most biocompatible materials, and avoid metals, BPA, fluoride, formaldehyde, etc. Our composite fillings are tooth-colored and biocompatible. We offer Ribbond to strengthen cracked or brittle teeth. We practice Biomimetic or Adhesive Dentistry, conserving as much tooth structure as possible. Our ceramic crowns are custom made in-house and ready on the same day.

Read about Ribbond

Read about Biocompatibility Testing

Breathing / Sleep Dentistry

Many people who suffer from a sleep-related breathing issue don’t know it. Symptoms include teeth grinding, snoring, headaches, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, etc. Many times during the night, the airway may get obstructed and breathing can be restricted or stop. The lack of oxygen, number of night wakings, heart rate and restricted breathing elicit the patient’s symptoms. A home sleep test can help diagnose the issue and help us suggest treatment.

Read about Sleep Dentistry and Sleep Apnea

Read about our at-home sleep study

Read about our Nightlase treatment for Sleep Apnea or Sleep Related Breathing Issues

Tooth Replacement Options

When you are missing a tooth, there are several replacement options.

Flipper/Partial Denture

This is a removable prosthesis that replaces the missing tooth/teeth. It can be very small, discrete and matches your natural tooth color. This option is the most conservative, reversible and can be a temporary or long-term solution.

■  Read more about Partial Dentures


A surgically-placed titanium or zirconia post replaces the missing tooth root. The crown of the tooth (the visible tooth portion) is made as a secondary procedure made several months after the implant is placed.

■  Read about the Implant Process and timeline

■  Read about titanium vs zirconia implants


– A traditional bridge is a false tooth (abutment) splinted by crowns to the adjacent teeth. The unit is cemented onto your natural teeth.

– A Carlson/Maryland/Composite bridge is when a false tooth is glued on to the sides of the adjacent teeth. Thus, minimal tooth structure is lost.

■  Read more about Bridge Options


Orthodontics can be used to straighten teeth for a variety of reasons. It can also be used to fill in the space of a missing or removed tooth.

■  Read more The Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

■  Read more about Invisalign vs. Braces


We strive for comprehensive and conservative treatment. In order for us to identify infection and pathology early, x-rays are essential. We use digital x-rays with the least amount of radiation. We also use a no-radiation, high-powered light called CariVu to detect cavities. All active patients must have a current full series of x-rays so we can provide comprehensive care.            

Read more about digital x-rays

Read more about our other technology

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